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Choose from the common Rope – Nylon, Polyester andPolypropylene rope(only these three materials are comparedhere)
1.Nylon rope has the highest strength. lt will extend slightly underhigh load and recover later. Nylon braided rope feels comfortableand is the first choice for bag handles, leash rope etc.. Nylon ropeshould not be used in wet environments because it will reduceits strength and will not recover after extension.
2.Polyester rope has excellent abrasion resistance and the best UVresistance. lt can hardly fade in the sun.Polyester sheath rope isthe first choice for marine applications and is often used as protectsleeve.
3.Polypropylene rope has the strongest corrosion resistance andlow cost, The rope has a low density and therefore floats on thewater. Polypropylene rope is often used in utilities, dog leash andbelts, luggage handle, bag handles and similar applications.Polypropylene rope has low strength and should not be used inload-bearing or traction scenes.
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